Princes And Horses That Evangelicals Trust

Photo taken at Dreamland Wax Museum in Boston, MA

I definitely appreciate my right to vote. Furthermore, as a Christian I believe my vote must reflect a commitment to both the sanctity of life and Biblical sexuality. My convictions require that I vote for candidates that uphold Biblical values. In the last presidential election, I couldn’t vote for either candidate without violating my conscience, but I was very relieved by the outcome.

What if a Democrat wins the presidency in 2020? To be honest, my flesh feels fearful at the prospect. I could list several reasons for my fears, but doing so would not reflect a conviction I hold that goes even deeper than my political convictions.

Scripture teaches that God ordains all leaders, both good and evil, to accomplish His purposes. You can’t read the Old Testament without seeing how He used Pharaoh to reveal His miraculous power in delivering the children of Israel out of Egypt. He used the kings of Assyria and Babylon to bring judgment on the rebellion of Israel and Judah. And the Roman persecution of First Century Christians served to spread the Gospel throughout the known world — due in part to the Caesars.

It appears to me that many 21st Century evangelicals — on both ends of the political spectrum — tend to forget God’s sovereignty in raising up leaders. We panic when the country elects someone who challenges Biblical values and we welcome one who champions those values as a secondary savior.

Two passages I read in Psalms last week prompted me to think about the security we place in our secular leaders and our government. Look at them with me for a moment.

Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
    but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.
They collapse and fall,
    but we rise and stand upright. ~~Psalm 20:7-8 (ESV)


It is better to take refuge in the Lord
    than to trust in man.
It is better to take refuge in the Lord
    than to trust in princes. ~~Psalm 118:8-9 (ESV)

I understand feeling hopeful when someone who seems to support Biblical values occupies the Oval Office. At the same time, I don’t believe we need to panic when someone who holds unbiblical views gets elected. Even if they do irreparable damage to the country.

The Bible plainly teaches that human society will always tend toward corruption, and this corruption will accelerate as we get closer to the day when Christ returns to judge the world. No politician has the power to reverse the trajectory of history, and Christians would be foolish to think otherwise. Maybe a president can delay the inevitable deterioration of society, but eventually the Lord will bring it to the point of lawlessness that ushers in His kingdom.

Christ is the only Ruler we can really trust. America will have good presidents as well as not-so-good presidents, and we must honor every one of them. But we dare not suppose that any of them can deliver us from the moral decay that will destroy our civilization. Christ alone offers political salvation.


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