Blog Break

Without going into detail, John’s been hospitalized since last Wednesday. He’s improving, and may be home soon, but meanwhile I have little time (and even less interest) in blogging. My archives are always there for your perusal. And Saturday Sampler will appear as usual.

The Lord is being merciful through this trial. People are praying and providing practical help. God is faithful.

Saturday Sampler: April 16 — April 22

Christian, be a Student of God’s Word says Blake Long in a post for Theology & Life. He explains the importance of knowing the Bible, even if we start out reading it just a few minutes each day. I especially appreciated his sensitivity towards people who feel discouraged or overwhelmed by Scripture; if you struggle in this area, perhaps Blake’s words will give you the encouragement you need.

Why would Clint Archer write about a deceased spelunker to comment on The First Easter Sermon that Peter gave at Pentecost? His fascinating blog post, which appears in The Cripplegate, answers this burning question.

Taking us through the book of Esther, Cindy Matson demonstrates God’s Providence Despite Bad Leadership. This article in Bible Study Nerd brings out aspects of the account that I’d never noticed, particularly in her analysis of Mordecai. As you read Cindy’s piece, please be sure to carefully read her footnote regarding abuse, lest you misunderstand her point.

In my younger years (though I feel embarrassed to admit it), I’d sometimes make the error of interpreting portions of the Bible through the grid of my experience. So I applaud Leslie A of Growing 4 Life for combating this attitude with What Determines What You Believe About God? She pinpoints common ways in which evangelicals substitute worldly assumptions for spiritual insight that actually draw us away from the Lord. Boy, do we need the wisdom that she puts forth in this excellent piece!

The author of Walk Wisely on Gentle Reformation remains anonymous, but she or he makes some fascinating points regarding the relationship between internet usage and time management. The post challenges Christians to use our time wisely, knowing that the world is getting darker.

Michelle Lesley shares some valuable thoughts in Discernment: What’s Love Got to Do With It? She deals with the common misunderstanding that speaking the truth in love equals never offending anyone, even if we know she’s harming herself.

John’s been in the hospital since Wednesday, which is rough on both of us (he’s my primary caregiver). So Jacob Crouch’s poem, All the Way to Heaven’s Shore, encourages me, You can find it on Aliens and Pilgrims. Maybe some of you will need its refreshment as much as I did.

Flashback Friday: Who Determines What We Need?

Hi ladies, John went to the emergency room Wednesday, and was transferred to a hospital in Boston that evening. He’s improving, but of course the separation is hard on both of us since he’s my primary caregiver. The Lord’s grace has been phenomenal, and I praise Him for His care. But I came across this post that I wrote April 20, 2020 and thought it fit our present situation perfectly. I pray that He will use it to minister to some of you.

Spring Tree

Yesterday our pastor preached the second sermon in a three-part series on the Lord’s Prayer. As he expounded on the clause, “Give us this day our daily bread,” he made the distinction between needs and wants that most preachers make when preaching on this clause.  I expected no less from him.

I got more than I expected, however.

He commented that God, because He is sovereign, gets to determine what our actual needs are.

Did you catch that?

We might think we know our needs, but the Lord knows what we really need in order to better conform to His image. Health might enable someone to go on the mission field, for instance, but sickness might enable someone else to proclaim the Gospel to medical personnel and caregivers. A new car might enable someone to give people rides to church, while an old car with problems might teach someone else patience and dependence on the Lord. Only God knows what each person truly needs to glorify Him.

Such thinking goes against the entitlement mentality that permeates Western society so deeply that even Christians fall into it. So often, we convince ourselves that we deserve certain blessings. And when the Lord denies us those blessings, we convince ourselves that we He is cheating us. We usually don’t admit to feeling cheated, of course, but we do feel that way.

And we allow those feelings to fester until we’re angry.

We’ve all seen angry rants on Facebook by people who deem their circumstances unfair and think their lives should be easier. Sadly, some of these rants come from professing Christians. Perhaps they’ve even come from you! And we allow ourselves to think that God tolerates our rants because our adverse circumstances offend Him as much as they offend us.

The truth is, dear ladies, those circumstances that we fancy as offending Him are probably circumstances that He designed to glorify Himself in our lives.

65 You have dealt well with your servant,
    O Lord, according to your word.
66 Teach me good judgment and knowledge,
    for I believe in your commandments.
67 Before I was afflicted I went astray,
    but now I keep your word.
68 You are good and do good;
    teach me your statutes.
69 The insolent smear me with lies,
    but with my whole heart I keep your precepts;
70 their heart is unfeeling like fat,
    but I delight in your law.
71 It is good for me that I was afflicted,
    that I might learn your statutes.
72 The law of your mouth is better to me
    than thousands of gold and silver pieces. ~~Psalm 119:65-72 (ESV)

That’s decidedly not a “best life now” passage, but it demonstrates a deep faith in God’s good purposes as He brings us through trials that we want to avoid. The psalmist doesn’t shake an angry fist at His adversity. On the contrary, he praises God for bringing him to repentance through them and affirms that affliction has brought him closer to God.

Our needs, you see, go far deeper than our temporal well-being. More than anything else. we need those things that draw us closer to the Lord and enable us to glorify Him. He alone knows what those needs really are.

When We See Samson And Lose Sight Of The Lord

Hebrews 11:32 includes Samson in the “Hall of Faith,” implying that we can look to him as an example worth following. If you’ve read the history of Samson in Judges 13-16, you may feel somewhat puzzled by this apparent tribute to him. Throughout his adult life, this man repeatedly ignored the Lord’s claim on him (Judges 13:7, 13-14), by defiling himself with heathen women (Judges 14:1-3, 16:1, 4) and engaging in ceremonially unclean practices, (Judges 14:6-9, 15:15). The Lord used Samson’s rebellious behavior to accomplish His purpose of conquering the Philistines, certainly, but it remains that Samson was a disgusting man.

If you’re like me, you probably dislike Samson and scratch your head at his commendation in Hebrews 11:32. Furthermore, you wish you could just skip Judges 13-16 altogether. Many of the people in the book of Judges are distasteful, to be sure, but there’s something particularly annoying about Samson. As we read about his actions, our stomach turns in revulsion, Why did the Holy Spirit devote four chapters of His Holy Word to someone so despicable, and then centuries later inspire a New Testament writer to list him among the heroes of the faith?

As I came to this portion of God’s Word this past Saturday, I prayed that God would help me see Him in the passage. Maybe that sounds like a strange prayer, but I’m becoming increasingly convinced that it’s a necessary one.

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Saturday Sampler: April 9 — April 15

Okay, you’ve caught me! I get a kick out of typing Ryan Higginbottom’s name. But honestly, I genuinely like much of his work on the Knowable Word website. For example, What Comes After Resurrection? looks at the final few chapters of John’s gospel to demonstrate that Christ’s earthly mission continued well after He rose from the tomb. And what He did during the days before His ascension have implications for us today.

The Scriptures about the prophet Balaam have always perplexed me. Monday morning, in fact, I read a reference to him in Joshua that prompted me to ask the Lord for understanding about the man. Lo and behold, less than an hour later, Elizabeth Prata’s essay, Balaam: A true prophet or a false prophet with a greedy heart?, popped up in my email. This post in The End Time wonderfully unravels the seemingly contradictory aspects of this little man.

In The Cripplegate, Jesse Johnson reports on Psychology’s Culpability in the Transgender Movement. Parents in particular ought to read this one and share it with others. If your children attend public school or participate in community sports, you need to be aware that they will face pressure to question their gender identities. Your local child psychologist is not your friend!

Reading Jacob Crouch’s piece, Read the Bible A Lot, brings back uncomfortable memories of my early years as a new Christian. He uses the word “arrogance.” Yup, that describes my attitude in those days! What does saturation in God’s Word have to do with overcoming arrogance? Jacob’s post in Aliens and Pilgrims explains.

I love the thoughts Tim Challies shares in Beauty in the Whole and the Parts for its assurance that we can appreciate theology on different levels. What a liberating view of doctrine. I would add, however, that none of us should interpret his words as an excuse for shallow Bible study. Simplicity doesn’t equal laziness.

Who says discernment blogging has to be dry and boring? Using the tune, “Jesus Loves Me,” Michelle Lesley does a little creative writing with Throwback Thursday ~~ Jesus Loves Me: The “Contending for the Faith” Version. Somehow, I’d missed this little gem when she first published it in 2018, so I’m glad I caught it this time. But even if you saw it back then, it’s worth seeing again.

If you doubt The Necessity of the Local Church, read Blake Long’s brief post in Theology & Life on this subject. Sometimes a blogger doesn’t need a lot of words to make a point.

Once again, David de Bruyn writes a thought-provoking article for the G3 Ministries Blog. May Christians Mock? dismantles the myth that Christians must always be nice and avoid offending our opponents. David takes us through a variety of Biblical examples of godly men ridiculing those who promote false teachings. Yet he wisely cautions against using mockery indiscriminately. His article deserves your attention.

This second article by Blake Long may prove useful the next time you encounter any Jehovah’s Witness. What Does it Mean for Jesus to be the Firstborn? addresses a misinterpretation of Colossians 1:15 that Watchtower uses to deny the deity of Christ. Interestingly. John and I have been studying Colossians with an elder from our church who was saved out of that cult. Blake echoes what that elder taught us about Jesus as the firstborn.

Could The Person Who Calls You A Pharisee Actually Be The Real Pharisee?

Those of us who stand for the Word of God frequently get accused of being Pharisees, particularly by Charismatics, egalitarians and progressive evangelicals. The very thought that Scripture alone is authoritative and sufficient for directing our lives and our worship rankles their nerves so deeply that they scramble for a way to put us in our place. Thus, remembering the constant rebukes Jesus leveled against the Pharisees during His earthly ministry, they eagerly hurl this term at us. In doing so, they want us to bow in humble contrition, admitting that we’ve been too rigid in interpreting the Bible.

Occasionally, we deserve the accusation. None of us should allow pride to keep us from asking the Holy Spirit to examine our hearts to expose any self-righteousness we may harbor. Even when we proclaim all the right doctrine, we run the danger of proclaiming it with a sanctimonious attitude. So let’s not automatically dismiss an accusation without taking it to the Lord.

That said, the vast majority of our accusers have a simplistic understanding of who the First Century Pharisees were and why Jesus opposed them so fiercely. For the most part, people equate them with self-righteousness legalists who adhered so tightly to Scripture that they couldn’t (or wouldn’t) recognize God’s activity.

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Saying The Right Things Doesn’t Necessarily Prove Genuine Christianity

How should we determine the authenticity of another person’s Christianity? If he or she rattles off a statement of faith that measures up to basic Christian orthodoxy, should that confession of faith be enough to satisfy us? I recently saw such a confession, written by someone known for open rebellion against certain portions of Scripture as well as for repeatedly slandering a Christian pastor over teachings that are unpopular with progressive evangelicals.

I affirm Jesus as the God-man, born of a virgin, who made atonement for sin, performed supernatural miracles to authenticate His claims, was crucified, died, was buried and rose again.

Okay, each of these affirmations is entirely Biblical. Every true Christian would agree wholeheartedly with each point. I’d venture to add that a denial of even one of these points would indicate that a person either doesn’t know Christ or is a very new convert. One cannot be a true Christian without believing all of these truths about Jesus.

At the same time, merely affirming these basic tenets of the faith doesn’t necessarily indicate genuine fidelity to the Lord. James, the half-brother of Jesus, stated in no uncertain terms that the ability to positively recite a Biblical affiliation of basic principles doesn’t always guarantee true Christianity.

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Saturday Sampler: April 2 — April 8

In a short devotional, Blake Long of Theology & Life leads us to Proof of God’s Love by explaining whom God loves and the beautifully personal nature of His love. See Blake’s other Holy Week devotionals while you’re on his website.

The Crucifixion Stories Are Embarrassing, and That’s a Good Thing claims Robby Lashua on the Stand To Reason blog. He takes us through some lowlights of that terrible experience, showing us how the weaknesses of the men involved actually strengthen the case for the authenticity of the Bible.

Mike Ratliff translates a passage from Ephesians, and from there meditates on one often overlooked phrase. He seated us in the Heavenlies with Christ beautifully explains an aspect of salvation that we don’t notice enough. Mike blogs at :Possessing the Treasure, where he sometimes makes his own careful translation from the Greek New Testament. His studies, while requiring us to do a little work, invariably give us more insight into God’s Word.

A former member of of the LBGTQ community writes Why I no longer use Transgender Pronouns — and Why You shouldn’t either for the Reformation 21 blog. Her piece demonstrates her repentance for acquiescence to public pressure, therefore encouraging us to stand on the authority of Scripture. Please consider her thoughtful arguments as we face increasing demands to compromise truth.

In preparation for Resurrection Sunday, Leslie A shares lessons she’s gleaned from reading Mark 14. This post, On the Way to the Cross isn’t a typical Growing 4 Life article, but Leslie’s thoughts will challenge and encourage you. And it’s a magnificent prelude to tomorrow’s celebration.

Elizabeth Prata gives us a different perspective on what it means to Surrender to Christ in an essay for The End Time. If I say much about it, I’ll steal her thunder and you won’t read it. So I’ll just say that this is a gem that you really shouldn’t miss.

If the message of the cross seems overly familiar to you, a meditation on Isaiah 53 as a prophecy of Christ’s death might help. Thankfully, Michelle Lesley shares her own meditation on this magnificent chapter in Christ – the Suffering Servant to develop our understanding of everything Christ did on the cross. Set aside some time to read her beautiful devotional in honor of Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday. I promise you – you won’t regret doing so.

Some mistakes can’t be smoothed over by a shrug and an apologetic “Oops!” Getting the details wrong can have extremely serious consequences. SlimJim has a post inThe Domain for Truth based on a shocking blunder in Boston Wednesday night. Sermon Illustration #85: Doctrinal Details Matter and FBI busted into the wrong hotel room during a training exercise and held a Delta pilot handcuffed uses this news story as a springboard for evangelism.

Even though Good Friday has passed, don’t ignore Good Friday and the Lamb of God by Robb Brunansky in The Cripplegate. He uses Isaiah 53:7 to show how Jesus indeed served as the Lamb of God that Isaiah prophesied 700 years earlier. The writing alone is exquisite, but the message behind the writing is far more wonderful.

Easter: The Same Ol’ Same Ol’

As we approach another Resurrection Sunday, some of us may feel a little tired of hearing the same accounts of Christ’s death, burial and resurrection. We may be genuine Christians who honestly love the Lord. We may cherish what Jesus did on the cross and we may embrace the hope of His resurrection. But, truth be told, at this time of year sometimes talking about those great events can feel forced and contrived. Precisely because talking about them is expected at Easter, we shy away from the subject.

I know I experience an awkwardness as I anticipate blogging during Holy Week. And I’m sure most pastors experience the same awkwardness. Maybe it’s wrong to feel as if we must present the Gospel in a new and fresh way each year, but perhaps it’s right to humble ourselves and admit it! We still love the Gospel — we just don’t appreciate the sense of obligation to write about it on this particular week.

And that’s a shame!

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So That The Word Of God Won’t Be Dishonored

Blasphemy is a rather archaic word in 21st Century society, perhaps because we’ve lost the sense that God deserves honor and reverence. I once had a conversation with an obvious non-Christian who said quite flippantly, “Oh yes, Jesus is my Buddy!” (Happily, this woman has since come to Christ.) Her remark reminded me of how little people regard the Lord as Someone worthy of reverence.

Even more disturbing, many evangelicals lack reverence for the Lord. Hymns that exalt Him as the Sovereign Ruler of all creation have been replaced by soft rock songs focused on self, often depicting Jesus as a cosmic Boyfriend or a Butler poised to fulfill our slightest wish. We quote Scripture out of context to assure ourselves that God exists to ensure our happiness and to give us abundant lives. Like the non-Christian woman I spoke with. most of us demote the King of kings down to the level of being our Buddy.

I bring this matter up as I conclude my loosely organized series working through Titus 2:3-5. We’ve discussed the various attributes that God commands of older and younger women, and now we arrive at the purpose of those commands.

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